Exploring American Restaurants in the Late 1950s and ’60s Through Stunning Postcards_ml
By the end of the 1950s, casual dining prevails, both at home and in public, yet interest in new dining experiences, luxury, and exotic cuisines is apparent….

35 Candid Snapshots of Women in the Kitchen in the 1960s and 1970s_ml
In the 1960s and 1970s, the wife would be seen as the stay at home keeping the house in order, bear children and make sure everything was…

Dress Like ABBA – 11 Fashion Styles That Defined the 1970s and ’80s and Still Turn Heads Today_ml
If you haven’t heard of the sensational pop group of the ’70s, ABBA, you have missed out on some very peppy numbers. But wait, pub hoppers and…

46 Vintage Snaps Show What Life Looked Like in the 1940s_Lap
The World War II had made an impact on American life. Manufacturers began to put more effort into supplying the wartime needs of Europe, creating shortages at…

50 Stunning color photographs illustrating the appearance of gas stations in the U.S. during the 1950s and 1960s_Lap
Back then, full-service gas stations engaged in numerous marketing ploys to draw you in for fill ups. Unlike today’s gas station stores that are mostly eateries, the…

Candid Photographs of Teenage Girls at Texas Beaches During the 1980s_Lap
By the 1980s, Texas hot spots for spring break, from Matamoros to Galveston were in full swing. These candid photos take a look back to how teenage…

1940s Fashion – A Young Woman Demonstrating How to Achieve the Full Leg Effect With Liquid Stockings in 1941_Lap
Until the end of the 1930s the best women’s stockings were made from silk. This changed in the United States when DuPont began manufacturing nylon in 1939….

Lunch Atop A Skyscraper – Revealing the Backstory of an Iconic Photograph_Lap
The iconic photograph known as “Lunch Atop a Skyscraper” captures a moment frozen in time, taken on September 20, 1932. In this black-and-white image, eleven intrepid ironworkers…

Photos of Vis-O-Matic, the pre-Internet online shopping store, 1950s_Lap
In the 1950s, visionary business entrepreneur Lawrence Freiman opened a new concept store that tried to reinvent the way people purchased things. “Vis-O-Matic” was the Amazon Prime…

39 Amazing Photos That Show People Picnicked in the Mid-20th Century_Lap
A picnic is a meal taken outdoors (al fresco) as part of an excursion, especially in scenic surroundings, such as a park, lakeside, or other place affording…