Female Short Pants in the 1950s – The Day When the Shorts Were “Short Shorts”_Lap
The 1950s decade was the first decade that embraced women wearing shorts for more than just beach wear. 1950s shorts came in several lengths and styles to…

Short Hair – One of the Favorite Women’s Hairstyles in the 1950s_ml
It’s always a matter of concern for women: Hairstyles. Women’s Hairstyles in the 1950s Women’s Hairstyles in the 1950s Women’s Hairstyles in the 1950s Women’s Hairstyles in…

Zoot Suit Trousersv – 1940s Men’s Fashion That Trend Popular During the War Years_ml
A zoot suit is a men’s suit with high-waisted, wide-legged, tight-cuffed, pegged trousers, and a long coat with wide lapels and wide padded shoulders. This style of…

Unraveling the Legacy of a Comedic Maestro – Exploring the Humor of Red Skelton_ml
Comedy, they say, is a universal language that transcends cultural barriers and brings people together in shared laughter. In the realm of comedy, few names shine as…

1960 in Süddeutschland durch fesselnde und beeindruckende Fotografien erleben_ml
Süddeutschland als Region hat keine genaue Grenze, umfasst aber im Allgemeinen die Gebiete, in denen oberdeutsche Dialekte gesprochen werden. Das entspricht in etwa den historischen Stammherzogtümern Bayern und…

30 Captivating Color Photographs Depict Life in Britain During The 1950s_ml
Britain in 1950 was different, in many ways, from Britain today. The most obvious difference was in the physical fabric of the country. In 1950 the legacy…

Incredible Pictures of Baby Cages Hanging Outside London Apartment Windows in the 1930s_ml
They were designed in a more innocent age and with the best of intentions. With this wire enclosure, parents didn’t need to leave the house to give…

Manchester Rag Day Parade, 1974_Lap
Here at the Manchester and Salford students’ Rag day parade that was staged in 1974. The students of seventy four parading through the streets of the city…
21 Beautiful Vintage Photos of Swimwear Models From the 1920s_Lap
In the late 1800s swimwear consisted of fully covered gowns and bloomers that revealed very little. Although the sun’s harmful UV rays were an unknown danger at…

30 Captivating Color Photographs Depict Life in Britain During The 1950s_Lap
Britain in 1950 was different, in many ways, from Britain today. The most obvious difference was in the physical fabric of the country. In 1950 the legacy…