UK and US Unleash New Sanctions on Belarus: Top Officials and Major Companies Targeted in Crackdown on Lukashenko’s Regime.H

The UK has expanded its sanctions list to include four individuals from Belarus, according to a document released by the British government. The names on the additional sanctions list include three directors and a former director of the reeducation centers in Mogilev, Gomel and Vitebsk.

Sanctions include an asset freeze and a ban on entry to the UK.

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Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko (Photo: AP)

On the same day, August 9, the US Treasury Department also imposed sanctions on 19 individuals and 14 legal entities of Belarus. The sanctions list includes the airlines “Belkanto” and “Rada”; the “Legmash” plant, the “Unmanned Helicopter” design bureau and an aircraft allegedly linked to Belarusian President Lukashenko.


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