10 Lesser-Known Facts About Gal Gadot’s Family

Gal Gadot grew up in a Jewish household. This article was previously published on popmama.com with the title “10 Little-Known Facts about Gal Gadot’s Family.” Click here to read: [link].

10 Fakta Keluarga Gal Gadot Jarang Diketahui

Gal Gadot, a renowned actress hailing from Israel, is widely recognized for her portrayal of the iconic character Wonder Woman in Hollywood movies. She was born on April 30, 1985, in Tel Aviv, Israel, to parents Michael Gadot and Irit Weiss.
The Hollywood actress has revealed that she comes from a devout Jewish family. It is known that Gal Gadot also has a small family of her own, with her husband Jason Varsano and their three daughters.
To learn more about the family background of this Hollywood star, here are some interesting facts about Gal Gadot’s family that Popmama.com has compiled in detail.
Let’s take a closer look!
1. Both of her parents are originally from Israel.

1.  Kedua orangtua berasal dari tanah Israel

Gal Gadot, an Israeli actress, was born in the city of Petah Tikva on April 30, 1985. She was raised in the city of Rosh HaAyin with her parents.
Her father, Michael Gadot, is known to be an engineer who was born as a Sabra (a Jew born in Israel) in the sixth generation. Meanwhile, her mother, Irit Weiss, is a physical education teacher who was born in Israel.
Her mother was born to Ashkenazi Jewish parents, also known as German Jews.

2. Lahir dari keluarga Yahudi taat

In her interview, Gal Gadot revealed that she was born and raised in a devout Jewish family. She described her upbringing as coming from a Jewish community in Israel, saying, “I grew up in a very Jewish environment.”

On her mother’s side, Gal Gadot’s extended family can be traced back five generations to Jewish Germans, indicating that her ancestors migrated to Europe during the Roman Empire era.

As a result of her strong Jewish roots, Gal Gadot is a passionate advocate for her homeland, Israel, despite also being a citizen of the United States.

One important lesson that Gal Gadot learned from her mother was the value of being active.

3. Mama mengajarkan Gal Gadot selalu aktif

In an interview with the media, Gal Gadot expressed admiration for her mother, who had always encouraged her to be active since she was a child. Irit Weiss taught her daughter how to swim when she was just 4 years old.
Instead of watching television, Gal Gadot was always asked to play outside with her neighbors, particularly playing soccer.
“She always instructed us to engage in physical activities, and I believe that’s why I still have a strong connection with my body and express myself through it,” Gal Gadot explained, revealing the reason for her frequent involvement in action films.
Interestingly, Gal Gadot’s grandfather was a Holocaust survivor in Germany.

4. Kakek Gal Gadot adalah pejuang peristiwa Holocaust Jerman

Gal Gadot’s maternal grandparents were fighters in the tragic Holocaust that took place in Germany from 1933 to 1945. She often remembers her grandfather by posting his picture on Instagram. She reveals that her grandfather, Abraham Weiss, was born in Munkács, Czechoslovakia in 1928. During World War 2, the entire Weiss family was brutally lost.

Her father, Abraham Weiss, died while serving as a soldier, while the rest of their family was sent to the Auschwitz concentration camp, where her mother and brother died in the gas chambers. Around six million Jews were killed in this horrific event, but Gal Gadot’s grandfather managed to survive. It is known that Abraham Weiss narrowly escaped death nine times during the massacres.

Gal Gadot explains that the tragedy happened simply because someone decided that they were born into the wrong religion and race. She nostalgically recalls that her grandfather taught her that there is no wrong religion and no wrong race. She admits that she was taught to love everyone as they are.

Abraham Weiss passed away in 2014.

5. Abraham Weiss meninggal dunia 2014 silam

In the year 2020, Gal Gadot fondly remembers her beloved grandfather. In the photo, Abraham Weiss can be seen wearing a prison camp uniform that he was forced to wear during the Auschwitz massacre.
In her caption, Gal Gadot expresses her longing for her grandfather who passed away in 2014. She often remembers him specifically during the Holocaust memorial day.
“Your legacy is always with us. Your love for life and everyone. Your ability to forgive and see goodness in everything. You were larger than life, and you are deeply missed,” writes Gal Gadot.
6. She has a younger sister named Dana Gadot.

6. Mempunyai adik perempuan bernama Dana Gadot

Dana Gadot, the younger sister of Gal Gadot, has chosen a more private life compared to her sister. Despite that, the two sisters share a warm sibling relationship and often share their moments together, from childhood memories to recent photos. For Gal Gadot, her sister is like the sun.
“I am so proud to have a sister like you, kind-hearted, intelligent, and full of love. You are like the sunshine, spreading your happiness and positive energy to the world,” Gal Gadot wrote in a Facebook post.
From her personal Facebook page, it is known that Dana Gadot is studying psychology at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya in Israel, the same school where Gal Gadot studied law.
7. Gal Gadot’s sister got married last year in 2021.

7. Adik Gal Gadot sudah menikah 2021 lalu

In the year 2021, Gal Gadot happily announced her sister’s upcoming wedding. Showing her joy, she shared a photo of her sister preparing for her wedding dress fitting.
After a month of dress preparations, Dana Gadot officially married her partner named Omer Eshed. In that special moment, Gal Gadot appeared joyful wearing a beautiful blue gown.
8. Gal Gadot’s husband is an Israeli real estate entrepreneur.

8. Suami Gal Gadot seorang pengusaha real estate Israel

Gal Gadot made the decision to tie the knot with Jaron Varsano, an Israeli real estate entrepreneur. Interestingly, her husband happens to own a hotel in Tel Aviv. In 2015, the hotel was sold for a whopping $26 million to Roman Abramovich, the owner of the Chelsea Football Club. It’s worth noting that Gal Gadot’s husband is ten years her senior.

9. Suami lebih tua 10 tahun dari Gal Gadot

Gal Gadot and Jaron Varsano first crossed paths at a desert yoga retreat party in Israel in 2006. For Gal Gadot, the event felt strange until she laid eyes on the intriguing figure of Jaron.
They started talking and quickly felt a connection. Quoting from Brides, Gal Gadot mentioned that her husband is 10 years older than her and wiser.
“He told me, on our second date, that he was serious and wouldn’t wait more than two years to ask me to marry him,” Gal Gadot said in Glamour.
Within a short period of time, they officially tied the knot in September 2008. From their marriage, they were blessed with three daughters named Alma, Maya, and Daniella.
10. Gal Gadot’s small family makes a cameo appearance in the movie Wonder Woman 1984.

10. Keluarga kecil Gal Gadot jadi cameo film Wonder Woman 1984

The film Wonder Woman can be considered the project that drastically increased Gal Gadot’s popularity. In its latest sequel, Wonder Woman 1984, Gal Gadot revealed that her small family made a cameo appearance. Her husband and two daughters made their debut in the film and appeared in one scene.

“I have two daughters, both of whom appear in the film. The oldest appears with Asa, Patty’s son, and the youngest is there with my husband,” Gal Gadot said in an interview with Kevin McCarthy.

This was a special moment for Gal Gadot. She believes that her two daughters are a meaningful part of her life journey.

These are some lesser-known facts about Gal Gadot’s family that have been compiled. From these pieces of information, you can gain insight into Gal Gadot’s family background.

This article was originally published on popmama.com with the title “10 Little-Known Facts About Gal Gadot’s Family.” Click here to read more: [insert link].