Marc Anthony GOES OFF On J-Lo For NEGLECTING His Kids During Divorce Drama. – News

Marc Anthony GOES OFF On J-Lo For NEGLECTING His Kids During Divorce Drama. – News

In a recent interview, Marc Anthony frankly criticized Jennifer Lopez (J-Lo) for neglecting her children during their divorce. Marc Anthony’s shared words have sparked a lot of public controversy, while also revealing deep conflicts between the two top stars.

Marc Anthony and J-Lo, the power couple of the entertainment industry, once had an admirable marriage. However, after deciding to break up, the two could not maintain a good relationship like before. According to Marc Anthony, J-Lo was too focused on her career and new relationships, and forgot about her responsibilities towards their common children.

Marc Anthony expressed his disappointment that J-Lo is often absent from his children’s important events, from parent-teacher conferences to extracurricular activities. He believes that this has negatively affected his children’s spirit and development. Marc emphasizes that, no matter how busy you are, your priority must always come first.

Not only stopping at criticizing J-Lo for lacking interest in her children, Marc Anthony also said that he had to take on the role of both parent to compensate for J-Lo’s absence. He feels like a single father, always trying to make sure his children don’t feel deprived of love.

Marc Anthony files for divorce from Jennifer Lopez - BBC News

Marc Anthony also revealed that the stress of the divorce battle put their children under a lot of pressure. He hopes that J-Lo will realize the importance of spending time with her children and change so that her children can feel love from both parents.

Marc Anthony GOES OFF On J-Lo For NEGLECTING His Kids During Divorce Drama

Marc Anthony’s shares have attracted the attention of many fans as well as the media. Many people expressed sympathy for Marc and said that J-Lo needs to reconsider how to balance work and family. However, there are also opinions that criticizing J-Lo publicly like this is not advisable and could hurt the children more.

The story between Marc Anthony and J-Lo is a clear proof that, despite being famous and successful, stars cannot avoid complicated problems in their personal lives. Divorce not only affects the two people involved but also leaves many consequences for the children.

Hopefully, through Marc Anthony’s sharing, parents in similar situations will realize the importance of taking care of and spending time with their children, even when they are facing difficulties. difficulties in marriage. Parents’ love and care are a solid foundation to help children develop comprehensively and happily.