Jennifer Lopez is ‘really, really hungry’ at the gym with Alex Rodriguez a day into no sugar no carbs kick – News

Jennifer Lopez is ‘really, really hungry’ at the gym with Alex Rodriguez a day into no sugar no carbs kick – News

If daily couple workouts weren’t enough, J-Lo and A-Rod have now committed to a grueling new diet plan, quitting eating sugar and even most carbs.

And Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez are starting as they mean to go on, with the couple of two years pictured heading to the gym in Miami for an early workout on Wednesday.

Committed: Jennifer Lopez hits the gym in Miami with Alex Rodriguez for a workout session as the two embark on no sugar no carbs kick

The J-Lo and A-Rod show: The couple get in their me-time with daily workouts Posting to Instagram Stories from the treadmill during her workout, the actress explained that the program was ‘harder than I thought’, saying: ‘So, 24 hours in, no sugar no carbs, learning a lot about what sugar does to your body and just need to stay away from it.’ But post-workout she admitted: ‘So it turns out when you don’t have sugar and you don’t have carbs you’re really really hungry all the time so we’re trying to figure out a lot of really good snacks.’

She shared a picture of her chosen snacks – raw veggies, sugar-free Jello and canned tuna. And J Lo wanted her fans to join her – challenging them to jump on the sugar-free bandwagon in a joint social media message with A-Rod.

Hey A-Rod! Dating for two years, they have blended their families, having two children each First he admitted the carb-free life wasn’t easy, saying: ‘I have had eggs and avocado today. I’m dying. I hope you are doing much better.’

But then J-Lo perked things up, challenging some celebrity chums to join her.

She laughed: ‘So we’re just walking in from the gym, and we’re getting lonely. I’m challenging Lea Remini, I am challenging Hoda.’/ For Wednesday’s workout J Lo wore fitted high-waisted black leggings and a cropped red top, carrying her to-go drink in a reusable container.

The 49-year-old singer carried her cell phone and wore sunglasses for the Miami gym session.

Posting to Instagram Stories from the treadmill during her workout, the actress explained she was ‘really really hungry’

Update: The actress, who used a filter, explained to fans she had to put a lot of thought into finding snacks that worked with her diet plan

As for A-Rod, the former baseball pro was dressed for action in sweatpants and a jacket.

It was the 43-year-old who first revealed he and his actress love were planning to go sugar and carb-free for 10 days.

He captioned Tuesday’s video, ‘We pink promise. Join me and Jennifer for a 10-day challenge.

No carbs, no sugar. Who’s in?’

The father-of-two then posted to social media about the challenge again, this time holding a massive piece of meat.

‘No carbs + no sugar = lots of meat,’ he wrote before asking his followers if they would be joining in on the quest.

Ticking all the boxes: J Lo and A Rod shared a tray of snacks to ward off the hunger on their no-carb diet plan

Jennifer credits her happiness to working out and told Hello magazine it’s what makes her feel good.

‘I really believe that when you take care of yourself and work to stay healthy, you’re better able to take care of those you love. So working out is definitely a priority for me.’

Jennifer and Alex have reportedly been dating since February 2017 and are regularly spotted working out together.

Carnivore: The former professional baseball player posted about the challenge again, this time holding a massive piece of meat