Patrick Mahomes angers Tom Brady fans. ttmd – News

Patrick Mahomes angers Tom Brady fans. ttmd – News

Patrick Mahomes angers Tom Brady fans: I want to be there for my kids

Kansas City Chiefs QB admitted life in the NFL takes time away from his children

Patrick Mahomes angers Tom Brady fans: I want to be there for my kids

Fans of Tom Brady, the NFL legend and all-time great quarterback, were quick to react to Patrick Mahomes‘ statement about the longevity of his own career, with some seeing it as a criticism of their beloved legend.

But what exactly did Mahomes mean, and why did it prompt such a strong response?

“I might not play as long as Tom Brady,” Mahomes expressed.

As CBS Sports noted, Mahomes is already on a trajectory to surpass Brady and potentially become the greatest quarterback ever.

However, this ambitious goal raises an important question: can Mahomes achieve this feat if he retires earlier than expected?

Was Mahomes making reference to Brady’s difficult personal life?

His remark highlights a crucial detail-prioritizing family time over extending his career to match Brady‘s longevity.

An Instagram post on June 28th from a popular Patrick Mahomes fan account quoted Mahomes, expressing concerns about missing out on time with his kids if he played as long as Brady.

“If the game takes away from my kids, I might not play as long as Tom Brady,” stated Mahomes.

“If I played until Tom’s age, my daughter would be 19, 20 years old. I would love to play that long. At the same time, I want to be there for my daughter.”

A father’s desire to be present for his family is understandable. However, it’s not to suggest that Brady, who played into his 40s, neglected his family.

Brady has frequently expressed his love for his kids and his now ex-wife, Gisele Bundchen. In a heartfelt Instagram post, Brady called his family his greatest achievement and credited Bundchen for her support throughout his career.

Fan reactions to Mahomes’ statement

Fans had varied reactions to Mahomes‘ comments. One fan argued that Mahomes shouldn’t involve Brady in the discussion.

“It really is each family’s own decision; shouldn’t bring TB into it.”

Another was harsher.

“Nothing to do with family. You don’t have the discipline,” implying Mahomes might lack the same level of discipline as Brady.

Some fans took a more balanced view, appreciating Mahomes‘ sentiment but also acknowledging Brady‘s approach to balancing career and family.

“That’s awesome, but so is what Tom did. Tom‘s kids love him and look up to him. Nothing wrong with a man working,” noted one fan.