Uncovering the Hidden Gems: Emma Watson Shares Secrets about Beauty and the Beast Scenes (Watch Video)

Uncovering the Hidden Gems: Emma Watson Shares Secrets about Beauty and the Beast Scenes (Watch Video)

The reimagining of Beauty and the Beast in a live-action version that came out in 2017 had fans eagerly anticipating its release.

The live-action version of Disney’s classic film was released nearly 26 years after the original, but it still maintains a dedicated fan base. The movie’s premise is straightforward, but the addition of books, songs, and delightful characters makes it a beloved favorite. Moreover, it teaches a valuable lesson about appreciating people for who they are, rather than judging them based on their physical appearance.

This is a tale about a love that comes out of nowhere and leaves a man shattered, corrupting him both internally and externally. Emma Watson’s selection to portray Belle in the movie was a brilliant decision.

Discover some interesting facts about the 2017 live-action adaptation of Beauty and the Beast that you may not have known before.

Emma Watson declined a significant acting opportunity to take on the role of Belle in the film “Beauty and the Beast.”

Do you recall the film La La Land with Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone? The movie received high praises from critics and audiences alike, but my family didn’t share the same sentiment. We found it unwatchable after just 20 minutes. However, I acknowledge that our opinion is subjective as millions loved it, and it even garnered an Oscar nomination. Interestingly enough, Emma Watson was initially offered the lead role in La La Land before it ultimately went to Emma Stone. Watson opted to play Belle in Beauty and the Beast instead. On a side note, Ryan Gosling was cast in La La Land but was initially offered the part of the Beast in Beauty and the Beast which he declined to do the former. It’s ironic and could have been intriguing if things had gone differently. Another noteworthy point is that almost the entire cast of the film is composed of famous actors.

Although their on-screen appearances were brief, the cast of this blockbuster movie is comprised of some of the biggest stars in Hollywood. From Audra McDonald as the wardrobe to Ian McKellan as the strict clock Cogsworth, and Ewan McGregor as the romantic candelabra Lumiere, not to mention Emma Thompson as Mrs. Potts, every major player in the industry wanted a piece of this legendary film. In addition, it’s worth noting that Belle’s iconic dress took a considerable amount of effort and time to create.

When it comes to custom couture, our minds often go straight to the big-name designers with hefty price tags. However, have you ever considered the wardrobe required for a movie? Let’s take the example of Emma Watson’s yellow gown in the iconic dancing scene with the Beast. The dress needed to be an exact replica of the character’s animated counterpart, and as such, it took over 12,000 hours of work to create. This stunning dress would surely be worth a fortune! It’s fascinating to think about the amount of preparation that goes into creating just one scene in a movie.

In the iconic ballroom scene of Beauty and the Beast, the dress worn by Emma Watson was not just a costume, but it also played its own character in the scene. However, the dance sequence was not easy for Watson and Dan Stevens, who played the Beast and had to wear stilts. Watson had to dance a perfect waltz with a man on stilts who was almost three feet taller than her while wearing a heavy gown. The rehearsal for this particular scene was excruciating and took months to perfect. Even though Watson was still nervous on the day of the shoot, she looked beautiful and elegant. Angela Lansbury, the original Mrs. Potts, sang the original Beauty and the Beast song. It’s an interesting fact that she recorded the song in one take after staying awake all night due to a harrowing experience on a flight to New York City that had a bomb threat. Despite the cast not knowing about her experience, she arrived at the studio directly from the airport and sang the song perfectly in one take. Follow us to know more useful and engaging information.