What Really Happens at Nudefest? Discover the Secrets of Britain’s Largest and Most Scandalous Naked Festival! H

Nudefest is like any other summer festival in the UK, except most people are naked.

Nudefest this year took place in midsummer, on a vast, flat field. Long lines of people waited to get their food from the food stalls. Long tables outside the beer tents filled with chatter, and piano music emanated from a music area called the Magic Taepot.

In the theater, people listened to lectures and chatted about all sorts of topics. Others were relaxing in saunas and hot tubs or playing sports. Some were lying on large cushions, while groups meditated next to them. Out on the lawn, a horse-drawn carriage filled with guests was making its way around the festival grounds. Others were taking tours of cider farms or walking. Drones were flying overhead, filming the event.

Festival-goers sit and chat in an outdoor seating area. Photo: British Naturism
Festival-goers sit and chat at the outdoor seating area. Photo: British Naturism

This annual event for nudists, initiated by Andrew Welch, a spokesman for British Naturism, started in 2007. This year, the festival took place in late June, lasting a week at a large campsite that can accommodate 700 guests in the county of Somerset – the English countryside. Participants came from all over the country and international visitors.

Andrew says Nudefest is like any other summer festival, with fun, food, and relaxation. The only difference is that people are naked if it’s warm enough. The event is serious, with no joking or vulgarity because the participants are all from the same community, with a common interest in nudism. Everyone shares a relaxed, fun, and positive atmosphere.

“Venue owners, vendors and performers often say we are the coolest group of people they have ever met,” says Andrew.

Although not a music festival, the sound is loud and vibrant every night. Bands play classics from the 90s or pop songs requested by the audience. The concert also includes disco dancing, karaoke, and music quizzes. Tea is served from morning to night so attendees can drink at any time.

Jeremy, a festival attendee, said he enjoyed Nudefest because of the opportunity to meet old friends and make new ones. Richard said he enjoyed the way the event was organized with a variety of activities. Charley, who has attended the festival for three consecutive years, said the festival was safe, everyone found freedom, released themselves and found friendship.

At the Nude Festival, people no longer feel shy about being overweight or skinny, or not as beautiful as a model. They can easily talk to others without fear of prejudice. “People here only care about love of life instead of appearance or wealth,” said one tourist about the reason for liking to participate in Nudefest.


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