50 Fascinating Color Photos That Capture Street Scenes of Germany in 1963

50 Fascinating Color Photos That Capture Street Scenes of Germany in 1963

These fascinating photos which captured street scenes of Germany were taken by Roger W during his summer-long trip in Europe in 1963.

“I had seen much of Germany while I was in the Army in 1960-1961. I concentrated on places I had not been, including a Rhine cruise, Nuremberg, Regensburg, and above all Berlin.”

The historic arsenal, on the east end of Unter den Linden, East Berlin

Theater des Westens, Berlin

Ulrichskirche, Regensburg

Unter den Linden, East Berlin


View from the Siegessäule (victory column) in Berlin

Zell, on the Mosel river

A small monument to East Germans who died, attempting to get to West Berlin by jumping out of higher windows on Bernauer Strasse

Albrecht-Dürer-Haus, Nürnberg

Altes Rathaus, Regensburg

Berlin, looking east from the Funkturm

Bernauer Strasse was the most notorious part of the Berlin Wall

Bernkastel from Burg Landshut

Buildings in East Berlin, near the Wall and Checkpoint Charlie

Cafe Kranzler, Berlin

Cathedral and Stone Bridge, Regensburg

Checkpoint Charlie, Berlin

‘Der Sozialismus Siegt’ (Socialism is Victorious) is one of the slogans that the East German regime used, Berlin

East Berlin from the Berlin Wall

Frauenkirche, Nürnberg

Fuggerei, Augsburg

Funkturm, Berlin

Georgskirche, Nördlingen

Herrenhausen Garden, Hannover

Hotel Bären, Freiburg

Kaiserburg, Nürnberg

Karl Marx Allee, East Berlin

Karl Marx Allee, East Berlin

Kurfürstendamm and Leierkasten Player, Berlin

Löpsinger Tor, Nördlingen

Marienkirche, East Berlin

Mauthalle, Nürnberg

Maximilianstrasse, Augsburg

North from Georgskirche, Nördlingen

Nürnberg from Castle

Old City Hall, Munich

Old houses in Segringerstrasse, in the center of Dinkelsbühl, on the ‘Romantic Road’ in Germany

Ostengasse, Regensburg

Part of the old city wall in Kronach

Perlachturm, Augsburg

Rathaus, Deggendorf

Rhine River Boat, Mainz

Schöner Brunnen, Nürnberg

Schwabentor, Freiburg

Siegessäule, Berlin

Sinwellturm, Nürnberg

Soviet Monument, Berlin

Spittlertor, Nürnberg

The Allied Checkpoint in Helmstedt on the Autobahn to Berlin

The Fembohaus, Nürnberg


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