“Throwback to Johnny Depp’s 1995 interview – Proudly flaunted his ‘cavities’ – Fans troll him for ‘rotten’ teeth at Cannes 2021”

The state of Johnny Depp’s teeth has recently become the subject of scrutiny after an old interview from 1995 resurfaced. In the interview with Premiere magazine, Johnny openly talked about his dental issues, boasting about his numerous cavities and an unfinished root canal. Despite the criticism he received for his “rotten” teeth, he stated that he was proud of them and compared their imperfections to the beaded creations of Native Americans. The interview took place when Johnny was 31 years old, and he even pointed out his uneven bottom teeth as something he embraced.

In a recently resurfaced interview from the 1995 Premiere magazine, Johnny Depp proudly revealed the less-than-stellar condition of his teeth. The actor was photographed at the Cannes Film Festival that same year.

Page Six discovered comments about Johnny’s teeth following his attendance at the Cannes Film Festival. This led fans to criticize him for his less-than-perfect smile.

Johnny Depp revealed in a recent interview for Premiere that he has several cavities, including an unfinished root canal from eight years ago that is like a “rotten little stub”. He also admitted that he prefers his less-than-perfect teeth over those with a perfect set of pearly whites. Despite his dental condition and indulging in cigarettes and wine, he manages to avoid foul-smelling breath. Fans noticed his “rotten” smile at the Cannes Film Festival, where he received a seven-minute standing ovation for his new film. Johnny’s browning teeth show visible signs of decay, but he has not opted for expensive veneers or bonding. Some social media users urged him to go to the dentist. Nevertheless, Johnny’s striking looks and charm have landed him a $20 million cologne deal with Dior.

During his Hollywood comeback at the Cannes Film Festival on Tuesday, fans were quick to note that he resembled Captain Jack Sparrow with his ‘rotten’ teeth on display.

Worry: Fans noticed that the actor had a smile which revealed some decayed teeth, particularly visible in his portrayal of a pirate with gold teeth in Pirates Of The Caribbean.

Whenever a photo of Johnny Depp at Cannes is seen, some social media users are motivated to maintain good oral hygiene by brushing their teeth, flossing, and using a tongue scraper. However, others criticize his teeth for appearing unhealthy and rotting. Some even suggest that he might have forgotten to brush his teeth that morning. Despite this, one user defends him and says that he doesn’t need ultra-white fake teeth because he has seen worse. Johnny Depp is known to change his smile depending on the movie roles he plays, such as having extensive gold capping of his teeth for Pirates of the Caribbean. He held onto these caps until filming ended for the third installment of the franchise. Furthermore, Johnny has openly admitted to his struggles with substance abuse, claiming that he tried every drug known to man by age 14 during his defamation trial.

While many Hollywood celebrities choose to spend a hefty amount of money on getting perfectly white teeth through veneers or composite bonding, Gnashers (a nickname for an actor) has decided to steer clear of such expensive treatments.

Fans on Twitter have expressed concern over Johnny’s dental hygiene, urging him to visit a dentist as he appeared to have forgotten to brush his teeth. The consumption of drugs can damage tooth enamel, leaving it vulnerable to decay-causing bacteria. Despite this, Johnny received a standing ovation for his comeback film during its premiere on Tuesday, causing him to well up with tears alongside director and co-star Maïwenn. This project marks his return to the industry after being blacklisted in the aftermath of his ex-wife Amber Heard’s abuse allegations in 2016. However, after a six-week trial last year, it was found that Amber had defamed Johnny, resulting in her having to pay him damages. Upon his arrival at the premiere, Johnny was met with applause and support from his devoted fans.

Revised: The premiere of Johnny’s comeback film on Tuesday brought tears to his eyes as he received a lengthy standing ovation. He was ecstatic to be back in Hollywood after facing difficulties and being dropped from previous projects, including the Fantastic Beasts franchise. Onlookers cheered his return as Johnny signed autographs while sporting stylish purple sunglasses. The film, Jeanne du Barry, has been touted as Johnny’s big comeback, but opinions on both his performance and the movie itself were mixed among critics despite the warm reception from the audience.