The Challenge fans call Laurel Stucky’s All Star 4 win a ‘scam’. ttmd – News

The Challenge fans call Laurel Stucky’s All Star 4 win a ‘scam’. ttmd – News

Amid controversy and outcry, Laurel Stucky’s victory in The Challenge: All Stars 4 left fans debating the fairness of the win.

Laurel Stucky was declared the champion of The Challenge All Stars 4, sparking debate among fans about the fairness of the finale.

The competition culminated in Episode 12, with eight remaining contestants, including former winners such as Cara Maria Sorbello and Veronica Portillo, fighting for the $250,000 prize.

Newcomers like Steve Meinke and Ace Amerson, who had never clinched a victory in previous seasons, also made it to the final round.

Despite the fierce competition, it was Laurel who stood on the podium, yet the manner in which the final challenge was structured drew criticism from fans.

They argued that the setup was biased, overshadowing the achievements of the contestants and casting doubt on the legitimacy of the results.

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The last element of the competition, the finalists navigated a dirt trail on foot-powered scooters and tackled a series of skill and puzzle checkpoints.

Laurel leveraged her four Stars—more than any other finalist—to skip several checkpoints crucially.

Steve nearly finished second but encountered a setback at a checkpoint, misusing his Star, which led to a producer enforcing the rules and sending him back.

Ultimately, Laurel adeptly navigated her challenges, winning the race, with Cara Maria finishing second and Steve third.

At the finish, Laurel attributed her success to the strong alliances formed during the season and expressed her intentions to pursue a third victory.

The Challenge's Steve in his All Stars 4 confessional

Many Challenge fans thought Steve deserved the win over Laurel (Image: Paramount)

Controversy followed the finale on social media, with critical comments flooding the official Instagram page of The Challenge.

Fans expressed their dissatisfaction, with one remarking: “One hell of a joke. The final was a scam and we all know @misscaramaria was the real winner.”

Others criticized Laurel’s dependency on others to secure her win.

“It was a s—-y unfair win by someone who hardly did anything to earn it,” one fan wrote.

The sentiment that Cara Maria deserved to be the champion was echoed by multiple viewers.

Some fans called her “the people’s champ” and questioned the legitimacy of Laurel’s victory.

The Challenge star Cara Maria Sorbello on season 39

Even more fans thought Cara deserved the win with Laure’s unfair “advantages” (Image: MTV)

Throughout All Stars 4, Steve’s resilience was showcased as he overcame three elimination rounds, including notable competitors like Brad Fiorenza and Jay Mitchell.

On the other hand, Cara Maria triumphed in her eliminations against Rachel Robinson and Kam Williams.

Unlike her contenders, Laurel avoided the eliminations entirely, nearly challenging Cara Maria but ultimately stepping back from the confrontation.

In a twist, a final daily challenge awarded the last two Stars of the season to Derek and Laurel, securing their spots in the finale.

The season concluded with mixed reactions, similar to the previous Battle For a New Champion season, where Emanuel Neagu won despite less frequent elimination challenges.

All episodes of The Challenge All Stars 4 are accessible on Paramount+.