Golf star and OnlyFans model fined after drunken altercation with police officers. ttmd – News

Golf star and OnlyFans model fined after drunken altercation with police officers. ttmd – News

She insulted and threatened police officers

Golf star and OnlyFans model fined after drunken altercation with police officers

Cloe May Frankish, a professional golfer and an OnlyFans model, has been fined £3,400 following a drunken altercation that resulted in her removal from an easyJet flight and subsequent charges.

On June 12, Frankish and her friend John Chinedu Uche attempted to board a flight in a visibly intoxicated state around 21:00.

The incident

Their behavior on board led the cabin crew to call the police, and the situation escalated, requiring intervention from the Rapid Intervention Unit.

In court, both Frankish and Uche admitted to charges of assaulting and disobeying police officers, disturbing the public peace, and intoxication.

Frankish faced additional charges for damaging property and slightly injuring police sergeant Amanda Pickard, as reported by the Times of Malta.

During the incident, prosecutors noted that Frankish caused £369 worth of damage by breaking a wooden door. Uche, aged 31, received a fine of £5,100 for his conduct, which included insulting and threatening police officers.

Initially, both Frankish and Uche pleaded guilty, but the magistrate questioned whether they fully understood the implications of their plea. Following a consultation with their lawyer, they changed their pleas to not guilty and were detained in custody.

Frankish was ordered to compensate for the damages and was issued a restraining order, preventing her from approaching Sergeant Pickard for one year. Additionally, she falsely claimed to be pregnant, a statement that was later disproven by medical examination.

No bail was requested during their arraignment in early June. Frankish, a professional golfer since 2017 as per her Ladies European Tour profile, also runs an active OnlyFans account, which she promotes on her Instagram.