Emma Watson, Championing Gender Equality on the Sets of Prada Paradoxe

Emma Watson, Championing Gender Equality on the Sets of Prada Paradoxe

Emma Watson explores new horizons in her career as she takes on the director’s role for the mesmerizing Prada Paradoxe perfume campaign, marking a significant milestone.

Emma Watson directing the campaign for Prada Paradoxe

Hey Mackenzie,

I just watched this incredible film that can only be described as a visual masterpiece. It features none other than the talented Emma Watson, who effortlessly immerses herself in the beauty of nature. Whether she’s gracefully meditating in the treetops or exploring the depths of the sea, it’s a captivating journey that leaves you in awe.

What’s even more impressive is how Prada, the renowned fashion brand, has perfectly captured the essence of paradox and the multifaceted power within all of us in their latest fragrance campaign. And who better to be the face of this concept than Emma Watson herself? She’s a spokesperson who commands admiration from people of all ages. Not only is she known for her unwavering commitment as a UN Women Goodwill Ambassador and a fierce feminist activist driving the HeForShe campaign, but she’s also a relentless advocate for global girls’ education. And let’s not forget her passion for environmental causes, particularly in the realm of eco-responsible fashion. All of these values converge in this campaign, and Emma Watson’s boundless energy permeates every aspect of it.

In this campaign, we get to see an iconic figure shining brighter than ever before. She inspires us on a deeper level and embraces freedom with an unbridled spirit. It’s truly a sight to behold.

Take care,
[Your Name]

Emma Watson director for Prada Paradoxe “I've worked on a lot of film sets where gender equality was lacking. It became...

Vogue recently interviewed Emma Watson, the director of the captivating Prada Paradoxe perfume campaign. In the interview, Watson discusses her reasons for choosing Prada as a collaboration partner and the significance the brand holds for her.

Watson praises Prada for its unique approach to fashion, acknowledging that while fashion can often be seen as shallow, Prada explores deeper and more thought-provoking concepts. She expresses her excitement for being part of a brand that embraces curiosity and a free-spirited ethos, as she herself has a love for eccentricity.

When asked about her interpretation of the concept of “paradox,” Watson resonates deeply with it. She sees the Prada woman as inquisitive and possessing a free spirit, qualities that she also identifies with. Watson explains that she strives to maintain her curiosity and free spirit within the confines of societal norms and systems. The concept of Prada Paradoxe, with its idea of ever-changing but fundamentally true self, really struck a chord with her. She feels liberated by the notion that change is constant, yet there is an essence within oneself that remains unaltered.

Watson finds inspiration in the quote “I am rooted, but I flow” by Virginia Woolf, which perfectly captures her outlook on life. She also draws from Lao Tzu’s philosophy that change comes to a calm mind, and the more one changes, the more authentically themselves they become. Watson shares that she embraces the idea of “both/and” rather than “either/or,” and this has led her to experience love and a sense of belonging without the need to choose.

Ultimately, Watson expresses her desire to be part of something that empowers women, offering them strength, freedom, influence, and self-assuredness. This aligns perfectly with the Prada Paradoxe campaign and its aim to celebrate the spirit of women who are alive and connected to the world.

Emma Watson director for Prada Paradoxe “I've worked on a lot of film sets where gender equality was lacking. It became...

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© Mackenzie

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© Mackenzie

Emma Watson director for Prada Paradoxe “I've worked on a lot of film sets where gender equality was lacking. It became...

3. In my perspective, multidimensional identity represents the acceptance of complexity and the ability to embrace uncertainty. It means being open to personal growth and evolution without a set destination in mind. Having a multidimensional identity does not indicate a lack of self-awareness or being lost, but rather a testament to our willingness to explore different facets of ourselves and strengthen our character. It is an unconventional journey that shapes us into a complete being, and I find this concept incredibly empowering. One of the most memorable speeches I heard was by Steve Jobs during my graduation from Harvard, where he emphasized the importance of following our passions, even if they may not seem rational at first, in order to find our purpose in life. I take pride in contributing to the exploration of this idea through this campaign.

4. Taking on the roles of both actress and director in the commercial was a unique experience that revealed a side of my personality that I hadn’t discovered before. It allowed me to have a say in how I am portrayed and how my story is narrated, giving me a newfound sense of empowerment and self-expression.

5. While I may not consider myself a fragrance expert, working on this project required me to become one. The Prada Paradoxe fragrance has a subtle yet captivating aroma. What I appreciate about it is the combination of timeless elegance with Prada’s signature touch of eccentricity. It takes classic elements and infuses them with a fresh and contemporary perspective, creating something truly innovative. The meticulous craftsmanship and attention to detail in creating this fragrance are truly commendable. I am particularly impressed by the use of ecologically sourced amber, derived from sugar cane instead of traditional methods, which greatly reduces the impact on farmland. The incorporation of sustainably grown Moroccan neroli oil, vanilla infusion, and Calabrian bergamot heart further emphasizes the significance of sustainability to me. Additionally, the use of a novel renewable musk molecule with remarkable diffusion capabilities showcases the intelligence and thoughtfulness behind the fragrance’s composition. Overall, I cherished the experience of being a part of this project.

Emma Watson director for Prada Paradoxe “I've worked on a lot of film sets where gender equality was lacking. It became...

In my daily life and overall wellbeing, perfume plays a significant role. To me, it represents more than just a fragrance; it encompasses the essence of a person, their soul. It is an act that ignites my senses and evokes powerful memories. Perfume goes beyond mere aesthetics; it delves into the intimate and personal aspects of my being. It symbolizes the connection I have with myself as a woman.

During the lockdown period, I had ample time for introspection, and it made me question the distinction between sensuality and sexuality. Upon reflection, I realized that sexuality often involves projecting and extending one’s energy outward, seeking validation and connection from others. On the other hand, sensuality is a moment of self-devotion, a redirection of energy inward.

As a result, I view perfume as a representation of a woman’s sensuality rather than merely her sexuality. It is a way for me to indulge in moments of self-care and self-appreciation. By applying perfume, I am embracing my own femininity and cherishing the unique qualities that make me who I am.

In conclusion, perfume holds a special place in my daily life and contributes to my overall wellbeing. It is a reminder to prioritize myself and celebrate my sensuality, providing me with a sense of empowerment and confidence.

Paradoxe, Prada
80,90 €
7. How did the idea for this film come about?
I wanted to create a film that was different from a typical music video or a simple visual for an advertisement. I wanted to tell a story and portray a genuine character going through a significant moment. It’s not widely known, but I actually became an actress after winning a poetry contest when I was eight years old. Words hold a special place in my heart as they allow me to express myself and understand the world around me. So, during the COVID lockdown, I turned to poetry as a form of expression. When the proposal for Prada Paradoxe came, I took some time to meditate on it. However, I couldn’t find stillness because inspiration was flowing from all directions. I was with a friend who jokingly told me, “You shouldn’t be working this morning!” But I couldn’t stop writing. I immediately shared the text with two close friends, asking for their input: “Does this resonate with you? Do you think I’m onto something?” Their affirmation gave me confidence. I thought, “Okay, maybe I’m onto something here.” So, I continued writing, and those words became the essence of Prada Paradoxe.