Beautiful Kodachrome Photos Taken By an American Traveler in the 1950s and 1960s _ USStories

Beautiful Kodachrome Photos Taken By an American Traveler in the 1950s and 1960s _ USStories

These beautiful Kodachrome were taken by Chalmers Butterfield, an American who traveled widely.
From Acapulco, Los Angeles, and Idaho to San Francisco, Chicago, Mexico City and Aspen. Take a look:

Metropolitan Cathedral, Mexico City



Marina City, Chicago


Stewardess, American Overseas, Flagship Denmark, Boeing 377 Stratocruiser, circa 1949-50


Boeing 377 Stratocruiser B-29 American Overseas, 1949-50


Challenger Inn (Sun Valley Inn), Idaho


Douglas DC 6 , SAS , SE-BDC


Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, 1950s


Brown Derby Restaurant, Los Angeles


Convair 240, KLM PH-TEB


Leadville & the Hotel Vendome, Colorado, 1950s


Garden of the Gods Park, Colorado, 1950s


Cripple Creek, Colorado, 1957


Sun Valley Ski School Sign


Aspen, 1962

(via Flashbak)