The Wish of Children – Emotional Vintage Photos Can Make You Heart Melting_ml

The Wish of Children – Emotional Vintage Photos Can Make You Heart Melting_ml

Little girl looking at dolls with emotional eyes

The Wish of Children

Shop Window, Paris, 1947
Store window of a doll shop, ca. 1920s


The Wish of Children

A little girl in front of a storefront with her sweater buttoned wrong

The Wish of Children

At a Christmas store window, New York

The Wish of Children

At a doll shop, ca. 1950s
Boy looking at Christmas toys in a shop window, New York, ca. 1910

The Wish of Children

Child enchanted with dolls at Macy’s, New York, 1949
Child staring into a bakery window, London, 1935

The Wish of Children

Children at the shop window at Christmas time, 1956
Children at the toy store window at Christmas during World War II

The Wish of Children

Children looking at Christmas cards in New York, 1910
Christmas shopping, 1956
Christmas window display, ca. 1920s

The Wish of Children

Christmas window dreaming, 1948

The Wish of Children

Group of warmly dressed children wistfully gaze at the elaborate window display of Christmas toys, 1915


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